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Maps4me is your portal for free Magellan GPS maps. You can download raster and vector maps for Magellan Triton and eXplorist GPS units here. These maps in a Magellan compatible format are either directly downloadable here or linked to external sources. Maps4me is the worldwide largest repository for license cost free maps for Magellan GPS units.

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License cost free

These for download available maps for the Triton and Explorist are license cost free. All external links and smaller maps are downloadable at no cost as no license fees apply.

Map Download

You will find maps for download for the Magellan eXplorist, Crossover and Triton in the following formats:

*.imi maps for eXplorist, Crossover and Triton
*.rmp rastermaps for the Triton series. (from Triton 400 on, as the maps are to big for the internal memory and only make sense for units with SD support. Only Magellan Triton 400, Triton 500, Triton 1500 and 2000 have SD support an can handle large raster maps (>20MB)
Please take notice: The Explorist GC requires the current firmware (Version 2.13) to display detail and basemaps.

Data & License

The underlying data has its origin only in license cost free sources as e.g. the Openstreetmap Project or converted, free Garmin maps. I integrated a digital height model (DGM) in the BLX format. The elevation data comes from the NASA Sattelite Radar Toporgaphy Mission (SRTM) in 2000. This data was completed and patched in the meanwhile and is of a very high quality. This SRTM data is manually processed by me and integrated in every vector map in the Magellan BLX data format.
All maps downloadable here are, if not stated otherwise, subject to the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).